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Starboard Choice

Third Annual St. Clair Fishing Party Has Now Teamed Up With Str8-Up Mounts For Additional Cash and Prizes To Make It Even Bigger And Better
Saturday July 27th
Selfridge Ramp

Starting Order
Final Standings
2024 St. Clair Fishing Party
"**" After name = Non-Stars Member
"S" After name = Str8-Up Mount Owner

1st. Place - 21.75
Todd & Tony Friermood

4th. Place - 20.80
Bradley & Branden Eaton

7th. Place - 19.65
Shawn & Joey Elliott

Hometown Heroes
Andrew Hankins & Bryce Amberg

Youth Team
Kyle & Connor Moon

2nd. Place - 21.57
Andrew Hankins & Bryce Amberg

5th. Place - 20.35
Chuck Lee & Rob Dhoore

8th. Place - 19.11
Joey Kogut & Braiden Arnett

Highest Str8-Up Team
Andrew Hankins & Bryce Amberg

Smallest Limit - 10.71
David Bulow & Julie Ziga

3rd. Place - 21.50
David Horstman & Gavin Weted

6th. Place - 19.81
Dalton Pinker & Jesse Richardson

Big Bass - 5.38
Scott Masterson & Matt Lehman

Second Highest Str8-Up Team
Bradley & Branden Eaton

Highest Stars Team - 21.75
Todd & Tony Friermood

Boat Check

This is an Open Event but Str8-Up Mount Owners and Stars Members receive extra cash and prizes not available to Non-Members and Non-Str8-Up Owners.
Come join us for Stars and Stripes third annual St. Clair Fishing Party! We have teamed up with Str8-Up Mounts to make this Event bigger and better with more cash awards and prizes than before! We want you to enjoy a great day of fishing on one of the best Lakes in the entire United States! This Event is open to everyone, (Except those that are touring professionals - See Rule #15). Str8-Up Mounts is adding an additional $1000 to the payout ($700 to highest finishing team with a Str8-Up Mount and $300 to the second highest team with a Str8-Up Mount) There will be door prize give aways and several lucky teams that do not cash in the Event will be put in a drawing to win cash prizes. With the additional cash, prizes, and awards this Event will pay back over 100%
Starting April 1, 2024 you can pay your entry or deposit online Starting order is based on order of entries received !!!
Entry fee: $210.00 per team includes Big Bass Pot. (Online Entry Only - No Entries Allowed Morning of)
Last day to pay entry on-line is Wednesday July 24th. We will allow you to register on Friday July 26th.
the cost will be $230.00 per team if paying at Registration.
Ramp: Selfridge
Registration: Friday July 26th. at Selfridge Ramp under the tent, from 4:30pm to 5:15pm, tournament meeting to follow after registration. (Mandatory)
Tournament Hours: Continuous start - Flight 1 - 6:20am - 3:00pm Flight 2 - 3:10pm Flight 3 - 3:20pm.
Important: NO CULLING OF DEAD FISH, only non-piercing cull tags, if caught using piercing cull tags you will be disqualified. Anyone that "cashes a check" could be given a polygraph test.
Rules: 2024 Rules can be found at the top of the page. Each team is expected to read and understand the rules!!!
This event will pay back over 100% at the ramp with cash and prizes.
Boat Draw: Boat draw will be based on the order of online entries so get your entries in early (Starting April 1st.) to get that good starting position! ($50.00 deposit is required to hold your starting position, with the balance due on July 24th. If you cancel before July 24th. your entry or deposit will be refunded, minus the 3.3% credit card charge, if you cancel after July 24th. there will be a $25 charge).
***Pre-paid entries must be made on-line before July 24th.***
***In case of bad weather (Unable to Launch) (Small craft advisory) Back-up ramp location will be Algonac, MI. in St. Clair River. As a last resort Make-Up day will be Sunday July 28th.***
All persons / teams that "Cash a Check" in this event will fill out a W-9 Form.
Must be present to receive cash prize - unless you make prior arrangements.
We will not except entries the morning of the event!!!
The chart at the top of this page will list the starting order (Based on the order of when your entry was received).
By Signing the entry form you agree to let Stars and Stripes and Str8-Up Mounts use any photos that are taken.
What to expect: Plaques and an additional cash prize to the highest finishing team with either a Veteran Policeman, or Fireman on it. (Must be Stars and Stripes and/or Str8-Up Mount owner).
Highest finishing CO-ED team will receive an additional cash prize. (Must be Stars and Stripes and/or Str8-Up Mount owner).
Highest finishing youth team (Team must have one person over 18) will receive an additional cash prize. (Must be Stars and Stripes and/or Str8-Up Mount owner).
The team with the oldest Angler will receive a cash prize.
Paying first and second Big Bass.
Str8-Up Mounts is paying $700 to the highest finishing team with a Str8-Up Mount
and $300 to the second highest finishing team with a Str8-Up Mount.
Additional cash to the highest finishing Stars and Stripes team (Both must be members)
Please print entry form (Click on tab "Entry Form") and fill out prior to registration to save time. Please print clearly and it's important to fill out the bottom, if you are a Veteran, Policemen, or Firemen check that box (Must show proof), because there will be special awards and plaques.
Sample Payback
Payout is approximate and subject to change
Based On 45 Paid Entries
1st Place - $2,000.00
2nd Place - $1,200.00
3rd Place - $900.00
4th Place - $600.00
5th Place - $500.00
6th Place - $400.00
7th Place - $300.00
8th Place - $275.00
Big Bass #1 - $250.00
Big Bass #2 - $125.00
Str8-Up Big Bass #1 - $100
Stars Big Bass #1 - $100
Str8-Up Big Bass #2 - $50
Stars Big Bass #2 - $50
$700 - To Highest Finishing Str8-Up Team
$300 - To Second Highest Str8-Up Team
$200 - To Highest Finishing Veteran, Policeman, or Fireman
(Must be Str8-Up or Stars Member)
$50 - To Highest Finishing CO-ED Team
(Must be Str8-Up or Stars Member)
$50 - To Highest Finishing Team With A Youth
(Must be Str8-Up or Stars Member)
$50 To The Team With The Oldest Angler
$400 To The Highest Finishing Stars and Stripes Team (Both Must Be Members)
$100 To The Team With the smallest limit
(Must be Str8-Up or Stars Member)
2 Plaques To The Winning Team
2 Plaques To The Highest Veteran, Policeman, or Fireman Team (Must be Str8-Up or Stars)
2 Plaques to Big Bass winner
2 Plaques for Second Place
2 Plaques for Third Place
Current # of Entries
Money Collected
From Entries
Total Payout In Cash, Prizes,
And Awards
Making it over 100% Payout
Plus an additional
$1,000 in free door
prize give aways!!!

Currently there is plenty of housing still available for that week, both through VRBO and local motels. I would strongly recommend that you book housing ASAP if something comes up and you can't make the Event, you can cancel your motel and not lose your deposit.
Angler's Point Marina
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