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Starboard Choice


First Place
Mike & LaVon Raber

Second Place
Chuck Lee & Kris Thornton

Hometown Heroes
Randy Forszt & DeWayne Wilda

Big Bass
Scott Masterson & Matt Lehman

Mike & Ali Mann

New for the 2023 season - Stars and Stripes has added a Regional Event. How this will work - Same requirements as the Tournament of Champions but this event will be held in the spring of the following year, so if you qualified to fish in the 2023 Championship at Lake Saint Clair, then you qualify to fish the Regional held in 2024. Only other thing is you must be a current member of Stars and Stripes, meaning you must pay your 2024 membership. For next year Spring of 2025 Our goal is to have 2 Regional Events, 1 in Illinois and 1 in Indiana.
***Rule Change***
Since Tackle Shack has a tournament on Wawasee Saturday April 13, 2024, the off limits have changed and will allow anyone fishing the Regional to either fish in the Tackle Shack Tournament or practice fish that Saturday April 13th.
Regional Event
April 14 DNR Ramp
Lake Wawasee
Off Limits Starting April 8 - Start of Event
Last Day to Sign-Up On-Line is April 8
Come join us for Stars and Stripes first ever Regional Event at Lake Wawasee. Stars and Stripes will be starting off the Regional payout with a minimum of $1000.00 before any entries are received.
Entry fee: $210.00 per team includes Big Bass Pot. (Paying first and second big bass).
Ramp: DNR Ramp
Sunrise: 7:04 Eastern Time
Off-Limits: April 8 - Midnight on April 12
Registration: On-line only (Morning of Event - Boat checks start at 5:45am - 6:20am).
Last day to register on-line is April 8th.
Pre-Tournament meeting: 6:30am in the DNR parking lot.
Tournament Hours: Start time is 7:05am
First Flight due in at 3:00pm
Second Flight Due in at 3:10pm
Important: NO CULLING OF DEAD FISH, only non-piercing cull tags, anyone that "cashes a check" could be given a polygraph test.
Rules: 2024 Rules can be found at the top of the page. Each team is expected to read and understand the rules!!!
Boat Draw: Will be a random draw and starting order will be posted on this page.
If you win a cash prize you must stick around to receive it, unless you make arrangements before leaving!!!
If you receive a check - you have 90 days to cash check or you forfeit the monies won!!! After 90 days stop payment will be issued!!!
All persons / teams that "Cash a Check" in this event will fill out a W-9 Form.
By Signing the entry form you agree to let Stars and Stripes use any photos that are taken.
What to expect: Plaques for first place.
Plaques and an additional cash prize to the highest finishing team with either a Veteran Policeman, or Fireman on it (Based on the number of entries).
Highest finishing CO-ED team will receive an additional cash prize (Based on number of entries).
Highest finishing youth team (Team must have one person over 18) will receive an additional cash prize (Based on the number of entries).
Paying Big Bass - second Big Bass based on number of entries.
Please print entry form (Click on tab "Entry Form") and fill out prior to registration to save time. Please print clearly and it's important to fill out the bottom, if you are a Veteran, Policemen, or Firemen check that box (Must show proof), because there will be special awards.
Starting Order
First Place $1200
Second Place $600
Big Bass $165
Hometown Hero Award $200
COED Team $100
Total Payout Including Cash And Prizes - $2665
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